Impact Missions Training
The primary objective of Impact Missions Training is to introduce and prepare young adults into ministry, missions and fulfilling their calling.
We offer exciting programs for young people like weekends away to the Drakensberg and then on to other more advanced training schedules.
Students stay at a beautiful location on the banks f the Vaal river.
At the end of their GAP year, your young adult will walk away with many certificates to be used either in the Corporate or Mission environment. They will learn the values needed to persevere, work hard, exercise discipline in following Jesus, in addition to gaining a huge insight into God’s heart for the Nations and their part or role in His Purpose for our lives.

Dr. Gray & Pastor Lorri Berry - Cape Town
Founder & Chair of The NewLife Alliance & New Life Foundation. Clan Father & member of the APT
Pastors - @NewLife
Pastors Jean & Liza Holder - Alberton, Gauteng

Vice Chair of the NewLife Alliance. Clan Father & member of the APT.
Pastors - NewLife Family Worship Church
Pastors Ray & Lynne Lopez - Vaal

Founders of Impact Missions Training & Gap Year. Kairos Courses, Anti Bullying & Women's Health Programs. Clan father & member of the APT.
Pastors Andrew & Wyona Ferreira - Maputo

Apostolic Leading & Teaching rural pastors in Mozambique New Life Christian Centre, Maputo, Mozambique.
Dr. Gert Venter - Cape Town

Principal - NewLife Institute & member of the APT
Apostle MT & Pastor Denise Lypson - JHB

Apostle, Clan Father and member of the APT.
Pastors - Holy Ghost Ministries (Services in French)
Pastors Daniel & Beulah Huyser - Northen Cape

Clan Father for Northern Cape, North West, Namibia & Malawi. Founders of Jesus is Enough Ministries
NLAI Prayer Coordinators
Pastors Olu & Tolu George - Cape Town
Pastors - Jesus House for All Nations, Cape Town.
Pastors Henry & Lynnette Swart - Alberton

Associate Pastors - NewLife Family Worship Church
Music Producer - NewLife studios
Pastors Dasen & Alomia Govender - Meyerton

Pastors - Kingdom Ambassadors Ministry (KAM)
Pastors Jovie & Julee Santillan - Phillipines

​Pastors & Alliance
Co-Ordinator for the Philippines
Evangelist Sanet Van zyl

Evangelistic Ministry - Cofffee at the Marketplace (Daily Devotional)
Pastor Juanita Koen - Alberton

Evangelistic Music Ministry