Impact Missions Training
The primary objective of Impact Missions Training is to introduce and prepare young adults into ministry, missions and fulfilling their calling.
We offer exciting programs for young people like weekends away to the Drakensberg and then on to other more advanced training schedules.
Students stay at a beautiful location on the banks f the Vaal river.
At the end of their GAP year, your young adult will walk away with many certificates to be used either in the Corporate or Mission environment. They will learn the values needed to persevere, work hard, exercise discipline in following Jesus, in addition to gaining a huge insight into God’s heart for the Nations and their part or role in His Purpose for our lives.

Welcome to New Life Institute!
Take the first step in following your dreams of working towards establishing a successful academic mind through the power of correspondence study.
Academic advising is a collaborative and information-sharing process, through which students can optimize their academic success.
Our students have access to a one-of-a-kind Academic Advising Institute.
The Academic Advising support is a specialized support system that interacts one-on-one with students via telephonic or email consultation.
Ethos & Values
New Life Institute prides itself on its reputation as an institution of excellence and prestige.
Our mission is to prove a calibre of education that is credible, affordable and quality assured.
NLAI (NewLife Alliance International) has a Memorandum Of Understanding with Church of God International
Bible College to provide academic training to prospective Theological students of NLAI.
COGIBC (Church of God International Bible College) has international recognition and is accredited by the Church of God
in Cleveland Tennessee's Division of Education at Level 2 (NQF 7). BTUC (Berea Theological University College) in Zambia
has accreditation with ZCHE (Zambia Council for Higher Education) and SAQA.
There is a MOU between BTUC and
COGIBC which provides the students with an academic study path for postgraduate studies with the RPL (Recognition Prior
Learning) process which can lead to an undergraduate qualification in Theology.
The three-year course in Theology is affordable and everything is done online.
There are no exams and only POE is submitted.
Dr Gert Venter represents NLAI on the Board of Directors of COGIBC.
Dr Garham Berry is an assessor and member of the faculty councils at COGIBC.
For more information see
For more info, please contact
Dr Gert Venter (Principal)
+27 71 899 9233